Katherine Fauvre: What is the Enneagram Tritype® | Tritype® Test?

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: What is the Enneagram Tritype® and Tritype® Test?

Answer: The Enneagram Tritype® consists of one Enneagram Type in each center of intelligence: Head (567), Heart (234) and Gut (891). Although one of these three Enneagram Types is dominant, you also use the other two types in your Tritype® in a consistent and preferred order. enneagramtritypetest.com

Ok, for those of you that have asked about Tritype® A short introduction…
20 years of research, hundreds of coaching sessions, tens of thousands of Enneacards Test results and multiple studies have demonstrated that identifying and understanding your Enneagram Tritype® can significantly enhance your journey of self-discovery.

The three types within your Tritype® intersect, creating a unique defense strategy and focus of attention. This is your Tritype® Archetype. Whatever the three types in your Tritype® share in common will be amplified. This creates a more singular focus, which can be positive or negative depending on your level of health and emotional intelligence.

The high side of this intersection is that it gives your life direction, focus and purpose. The low side of this intersection is that it creates a blind spot, which can narrow your ability to accurately self-assess… and may keep you locked in self-defeating patterns.

Tritype® explains the distinct differences of those sharing the same Enneagram Type. For example, the 874 is a fast-paced, optimistic, creative, and emotional type 8 whereas the 826 is a more dutiful, heroic, loyal and helpful type 8.

Additionally, Tritype® explains why those sharing the same three Enneagram Types or Tritype® have a natural affinity for one another. For example, the 126, 216 and 612 are all focused on people, doing what should be done, helping those in need and being supportive of others regardless of which type is dominant.

Most importantly, your Tritype® combination identifies key aspects of your personality which, when understood, can illuminate your path to greater self-awareness and a more fulfilling life.

How does Tritype® work?
Although one of these three types in your Tritype® is dominant, or your primary type, the other two types play a large role in your life. What is surprising is that these other two types are not always connected to your type by a wing or along the lines of connection (the lines connected to your primary Type).

For example, if you are a type 9, you would have two wing types consisting of Type 8 and Type 1 and two lines of connection, made up of Type 3 and Type 6. In addition to your primary type of 9, you also have two subordinate types that are used in conjunction with your lead type. The other two types are part of your Tritype® Archetype and you may or may not have type 3 and/or type 6 as part of your Tritype®. You could have a Tritype® of 926 or 936 or 946 or 925, 927 and so on. Each Tritype® combination creates a different expression of Enneagram type.

How does the 468 Tritype® work?
If you are an Enneagram type 4 you might have a Tritype® of 468. This would mean you lead with your heart and that you predominantly use type 4, however, you will also use the strategies of type 6, your head type and the type 8, your gut type. Your Enneagram type 4 would still be in charge. However, when the 4 strategies fail to produce results and all permutations (wings and lines of connections) of type 4 have been exhausted, you will then shift to use the dominant type in each of the other two centers to manage problems and create solutions.The type 4 is always in charge of this Trialectic system and all 3 types in the Tritype® continuously operate in a rapid, descending and repetitive spiral.

How does the 478 Tritype® work?
If your primary type is 8, you might have a Tritype® configuration of 874. The primary Enneagram type for you would be type 8, however, this Tritype® combination indicates that you would most likely be a strong, positive person who seeks solutions (8), options (7) and meaning (4). What is fascinating is that if the strategy of type 8 fails to give you the desired results of overcoming obstacles, you would then employ the strategy of type 7 and then if needed type 4. These three types rapidly cascade into one another and continue cycling throughout the day.

Tritype® Examples
The Tritype® reveals the distinct differences of those sharing the same Enneagram Type. The Tritype® also explains how individuals sharing the same three fixations may have more in common than those sharing the same Enneagram type.

For example, if you were an 874, you would have secondary strategies that are very different than an 826. The 874 is a fast paced creative, heartfelt and optimistic type 8 whereas the 826 is a more cynical, loyal, helpful and heroic type 8. Further, if you are the 874 type 8, you may relate to a 748 or 478 more than another type 8 that has a different Tritype®.

Understanding the Tritype® in practice
Just as with your primary Enneagram type you will experience the other types in your Tritype® in both positive and negative ways.

874 in Practice
To understand how this works in practice, if someone with a Tritype® of 874, finds that taking charge like an 8 isn't working, they may try to lighten up or be positive like a 7, and if that doesn't work, may search for meaning like a 4. The 8 fear of being disempowered is driving the process. If the 8 still feels disempowered and unable to direct their circumstances the 874 may feel over-extended and scattered (7) and painfully lacking (4). So this person has used the strategies of three Enneagram Types, one from each of the three Enneagram Centers (Head-Heart-Gut), in a preferred order of 8-7-4.

468 in Practice
Another example would be a 468. Here we have a more aggressive and reactive type 4 than say a 495, who would be more withdrawn, passive (9) and avoidant (5). Another example would be a 972. This would be the type 9 with a very rosy and positive outlook desiring easygoing relationships. A 953 would be the kind of 9 who is more intellectual (5), perfectionistic and focused on efficiency (3) with less of an emphasis on maintaining harmonious relationships than other 9s.

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Katherine Fauvre: Why is the 358 Tritype® so often Misunderstood?

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: Why is the 358 Tritype so often Misunderstood?

Katherine: The 358 Tritype® Archetype, The Solution Master, includes the 358, 385, 538, 583, 835 and 853. This Tritype® is a dynamic achiever and power broker, but is also often misunderstood. To be sure of your own type take Katherine’s v8 of her test: enneagramtritypetest.com

From the outside, the 358 Tritype® may seem like a brash, confident and success driven achiever that does not suffer fools gladly. They can appear to be tough-minded individuals that can easily call a spade a spade, but can also come across as stony and insensitive.

This is true in part because the 358s are street-wise and believe in the school of hard knocks. They think that one learns the most by doing, and they think that the best lessons in life are learned by having to do things the hard way.

The 358 is known for being strategically brilliant but also for being blunt and to the point. Their inner drive is to succeed and conquer. They do this by using a mind over matter approach to life and their innate ability to quickly size up the competition or situation at hand. They begin by setting their sights on something that is of interest to them and then developing and executing the plans needed to acquire it. They achieve their goals by employing foresight, strategic planning and step-by-step analysis.

538’s are known for being impersonal and unemotional. Yet the truth is everything is very personal for them. They see life as one giant chess game that they intend to win through mastery.

But that is only part of the story. They succeed not because they do not have emotions, but rather because they are not limited by emotions. The 358 can separate their emotions from any issue at hand, which can at times be confusing to some of the more tender-hearted Tritypes® like the 269, 379, or 469, all of whom use their emotions to make decisions. In fact, the 358 Tritype® believes that emotions confuse and limit, only serving to slow them down.

358s focus on the long game and have very little use for ignorance. They are demanding of themselves and others. They are natural entrepreneurs and generally achieve whatever they set out to do. They seek and can readily identify the competitive advantage in any area of life, whether in business, sports or love. They will always have or will readily develop a strategy for success.

Their main focus in life is to achieve the realization of their ambitions. They do this by enduring and overcoming adversity. They never give up and do not back down or give in. Setbacks become fuel for future endeavors. Failures pave the way for greater successes.

They are no nonsense people that value experience over titles or degrees. They are extremely hard workers and very self-motivated. They can be seen as work-a-holics, but they truly love whatever they do or they would stop doing it. They are what they achieve.

Another important part of the story is that the 358s are actually thinkers and doers rather than feelers. Underneath their logical solution mastery is a tender-hearted person that manages distress by doing something to fix a problem rather than being trapped in what feels like illogical emotional chaos. The truth is that the 358 is uncomfortable with emotions; both their own emotions and the emotions of others. This is because they value data and information and fail to see the data and information that emotions provide.

358s have a defense strategy that survives by learning from their experiences so that they can succeed the next time they face the same problem. Emotionally charged experiences that result in feelings of shame and humiliation leave the strongest impressions. As a result, these are the areas of life that the 358s wish to conqueror first. And these are the first lessons the 358s want to teach loved ones.

358s do not want anyone they care about to suffer or be disadvantaged because their loved one is mired in an emotional crisis or emotional paralysis. They vividly remember the times they felt debilitated because their own emotions got in the way of affirmative action. As a result, 358s prefer the power that comes from action and mental constructs even at the expense of their emotions. They are naturally more adept at using their will center and mental center. They see their ability to go into action and use a mind over matter approach to life as much more reliable than the inconstancy of the heart. They prefer the world of logic, thoughts, actions and willfulness, over the world of feelings and emotions. Instead of offering sympathy, they offer strategies.

They respect those that overcome obstacles and they admire those that develop the confidence that ensues as a result of overcoming adversity. They want their loved ones to learn how to provide for themselves so that they will have the confidence and know-how that comes from succeeding by learning from failures. They show love by teaching them how to provide for themselves and/or by providing resources for those in their circle of care rather than offering sentiment. But more specifically, they demonstrate love by teaching loved ones how to survive and make it on their own not matter what life throws at them.

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre