Enneagram Type 9: Peaceful Mediator

Peacemaker, Mediator, Naturalist, Accommodator or Abdicator

© 1995-2023 Katherine Chernick Fauvre


Nines want to be agreeable, peaceful, natural and comfortable. More importantly, they want to be calm, and if at all possible, to avoid conflict. Nines see themselves as accepting, unassuming and laid-back. Nines would like others to see them as humble, easygoing and approachable. Their idealized self-image is that they are content and harmonious.

Desiring union, harmony and unconditional love, Nines get along with most people that they meet. Considerate and gentle, they have an innate ability to make people feel comfortable and at ease. Nines are very accepting and readily empathize with others. Focused on the well-being of others, they may at times lose sight of their own agenda. More intellectual than they let on, they have a natural gift for seeing many different points of view. Nines are able to see all the shades of gray in any given situation and have a way of diffusing conflict and being calm and steady in a crisis. Focusing on similarities rather than differences, they make an excellent mediator and peacemaker. 

Nines don’t want to be drawn into conflict and avoid being pressured to react. Self-forgetting by nature, they repress their anger and neglect their needs in order to avoid the discomfort that comes with conflict. Because Nines may lose themselves in life’s simple pleasures, the needs of others, or the basic task of living,  they may never go after what they truly want. Nines may struggle to find their one true passion. At times, they may be complacent and minimize anything that is upsetting. 

Often the strong, silent type, Nines have the power of patience, persistence and resistance. Nines see themselves as having stamina and take pride in their ability to endure. They tend to procrastinate and take longer than others to make up their mind.  When they do make a decision, they are like an unstoppable elephant pursuing its goals. Not one to self-promote, they would rather be discovered than announce themselves. Others may underestimate them due to their casual and nonchalant attitude. This is nearly always a mistake—one that they are happy to let others make because they prefer not to flaunt their talents or appear egotistical. 


Nines need simplicity, peace, harmony and to be appreciated. Because they are highly empathetic, they need to know that the people around them are relaxed in order for them to be able to relax. To truly be at ease, Nines need to have their creature comforts and are unwilling go without them.  Publicly, they may go along to get along, but when in private they make sure that they have what makes them feel happy and comfortable. 


Nines avoid conflict, complications and judgmental people. Being shut down, overlooked and not included by others are among their greatest fears. Nines are afraid of being loveless and of not receiving or being able to give love. Paradoxically, their avoidance of anger and conflict can lead to more conflict.   Nines don’t want to deal with anything until they are good and ready. It is hard for them to say no, so yes means maybe and maybe means absolutely not! 


Nines' virtues are their acceptance, peacefulness and ability to see universal truths. Open and receptive, they easily relate to others. When Nines are at their best, they can be both personally and universally connected. Whether they prefer simple pleasures or intellectual pursuits, they are always seeking what is harmonious. Nines often show their love by working hard, and they can make great contributions to others. Down to earth, steady, patient and easygoing, they bring a sense of calm to any given situation.  Steadfast and persistent, Nines are able to endure even the most tedious and difficult circumstances. 


Nines' vices are indolence, inaction or sloth. This can lead to self-forgetting and neglecting their own needs and/or the needs of others. Their inattention and forgetfulness can manifest as “crimes of omission”. They may also be stubborn or turn a blind eye to someone in need. Everyone thinks that Nines are on their side and can misinterpret their understanding as agreement. Overly avoiding conflict, they are most likely to hurt the people around them by not keeping promises due to their lack of follow-through. This can make for a passive-aggressive stance in life where Nines don’t see the impact of their inaction and can appear callous or indifferent. 


Nines’ attention goes to identifying with and merging with others. Their soft, pillowy energy tends to spread outwards and become diffuse. Because they sense and champion the needs and feelings of whatever group they are in, they are a natural group anchors. To avoid feeling tension and conflict, they may reach for substitutes for love by eating, focusing on the minutia or getting lost in unimportant tasks. 

Spiritual Path

The Nines' spiritual journey is to reclaim their sense of right action and awaken from the coma of self-forgetting. Spiritual growth will come to them as they reclaim, define and assert their sense of self in the world.


True love is action and not passive acceptance. To be truly loving requires that they define their values and take a stand for what they believe is important– regardless of the conflict it may cause. Indecisiveness and a fear of upsetting people can prevent them from taking appropriate action.  Remember that no decision is a decision, and a “stitch in time saves nine”.


  • The Enneagram Type 9 with the 1 Wing, desires to appear elusive. They see themselves as pragmatic, clear, collected, funny, calm and harmonious.

  • The Enneagram Type 9 with the 8 Wing, desires to be natural. They see themselves as dignified, comfortable, loving, aloof, strong and kind.

Famous Type 9s

Loni Anderson, Bali, Annette Bening, Tony Bennett, Jacqueline Bisset, Ernest Borgnine, Matthew Broderick, Sandra Bullock, George Burns, Kate Bush, Art Carney, Keith Carradine, Julia Child, Connie Chung, Bill Clinton, Columbo, Gary Cooper, Kevin Costner, The Dalai Lama, Jeff Daniels, Oscar de la Renta, Clint Eastwood, Dwight Eisenhower, Queen Elizabeth II, Shelley Fabares, Peter Falk, Gerald Ford, Dennis Franz, Annette Funicello, Mahatma Gandhi, John Goodman, Tipper Gore, Elliott Gould, Charles Grodin, Woody Harrelson, Patty Hearst, Mariel Hemingway, Audrey Hepburn, Barbara Hershey,  Anjelica Huston, Shirley Jones, C.G. Jung, Grace Kelly, Nancy Kerrigan, Lisa Kudrow, Stan Laurel, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, Andie MacDowell, Nelson Mandela, Mr. Magoo, Dean Martin, Jerry Mathers,  Dan Quayle, James Earl Ray, Ronald Reagan, Ralph Richardson, Carl Rogers, Roy Rogers, Gena Rowlands, Eva Marie Saint, Garry Shandling, Martin Sheen, Tom Skerritt, Ringo Starr, Mary Steenburgen, Daniel Stern, James Stewart, Eric Stoltz, Billy Bob Thornton, Andy Williams, Tricia Yearwood, Renee Zellweger, Joe DiMaggio,George Lucas.

© 1995-2023 Katherine Chernick Fauvre